Ontario Cancer Reform Tracker: April 4, 2018
The CanCertainty Coalition is checking in with Ontarians to find out where they stand on the state of cancer care in Ontario and will be contacting thousands of homes in ridings across Ontario during March and April 2018.
Since March 20, 2018 we’ve spoken to 6,921 Ontarians.
Prescription Misperceptions
74% of people in Ontario believe if needed, take-home cancer treatments are paid for by the Ontario health care system.
Yet cancer patients between 25 and 64 years face significant out-of-pocket costs and delays for take-home cancer treatments.
Fix Cancer Care
76% of people in Ontario said Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal Government
should close the gap in take-home cancer treatments in the 2018 budget.
Cancer Reform
71% of people in Ontario want their candidates to make a
commitment to cancer reform before the election.
MPP Insurance
87% of people in Ontario believe all Ontarians should have the same level of coverage for
cancer treatments as their elected representative.
Deal Maker, Deal Breaker
55% of people in Ontario said cancer drug funding will be a consideration in how they vote.
(25% are still undecided.)
Ontario is now an outlier in Canada with respect to the fair and equitable provision of cancer treatment. Most recently, the Ontario Auditor General’s Annual Report called for system change to remedy the numerous issues related to cancer patients who need take-home cancer treatments.
In advance of the provincial election in June, we call on all parties to commit to immediate cancer reform in Ontario that will enable all cancer patients to access safe, high-quality treatment and care without delay or out-of-pocket costs.